So I have been doing a bit of online dating recently and I'm going to go on a Carrie Bradshaw Sex in the City rant about it. Why do guys that or online think they can they can be really forward and ask girls that they just started talking to about what sex positions they like or "Hey baby, wanna come over" when you barely typed a line of text to them? It really takes the mystery out of things...whatever happened to old fashioned romance, or "your eyes are really pretty" or "what do you like to do?" The guys I have talked to don't ask me any questions about myself, I ask all the questions. Mainly it seems they just want to get in your pants or cyber sex and when they don't get what they want they move on right away :( Or if we do get along, they give up cause we live far apart and they don't want to make the effort. Im tired of being someone's second choice...very tired. PLEASE COMMENT...want to hear your thoughts.
Sincerely yours,
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