Friday, October 19, 2012

The Weight Issue

Hey yall,
      I am working on accomplishing a few of my goals.  I have taken my first few official guitar lessons!   I also have a good start on my savings!  The next thing I want to tackle is my weight.  It is getting out of control, I realized since I have started working 3rd shift I have gained 15 pounds!  That's 3 pounds a month.  Unacceptable!!  I want my game plan to be simple: do max of 4 things (as of now) to loose the weight

     1.  Zumba 3 times a week, Gym 3 times a week
      2.   No regular soda
      3.  Replace Cousins subs (where I work) with salads and small piece of wheat bread
      4.  Don't go to work hungry!!

I have a tendency to not remember the plans I make or push them out of my head, I have to try to figure out a way to keep these things in my head.  Wish me luck!


Monday, June 18, 2012


I got inspired to make a goals list.  I may add or edit this at anytime.  Here goes:

   1.  Get my own apartment and car.
   2.  Learn guitar.
   3.  Get down to my goal weight.
   4.  Get most of my diet to consist of fruits and vegetables.
   5.  Get photographs in an art gallery.
   6.  Move out of Plymouth, WI area....(move to Madison, Chicago, or Green Bay)
   7.  Go on a European vacation with friends (hopefully next summer)

Friday, May 25, 2012

It's the Sodium!!

It's the sodium!  I have been trying to figure out why I am not loosing weight and it is because im retaining water from all the salt.  Im working on replacing my salty foods with healthy ones.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

New Start

I have phases in my life.  It usually goes work somewhere, get laid off or quit, get sick of living in my hometown, leave the state and look for a job, then come back home.  Needless to say my life plan isn't set just yet.  I'm now at the coming back home stage.  Once I find a job I resolve to diligently SAVE my money for a car and apartment.  I also to work on more graphic design projects for my portfolio.  My friend Catherine is home after the Peace Corps and she will be around at least for the summer because she is teaching summer school so that is nice.  Some people may think it sucks to still live with the parentals and they would be half right :)  But it buys me time to figure things out and I appreciate their help.  I have been doing housecleaning and petsitting on the side.  I will try to update the blog semi-frequently.
Later kiddos,

Friday, April 13, 2012

The Good and the Bad

In my never ending weight loss battle I would like to compile a list of what I believe I'm doing right and wrong.

Right: tracking my food on
Wrong: not tracking every single extra bite or taste
Right: Exercising most everyday
Wrong: Not working out long enough
Right: doing ab workouts
Wrong: not doing enough for my abs
Right: staying within my calorie count
Wrong: not eating enough fruits and veggies

Does that add up to an 8 pound weight gain in a month? Decide for yourself.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Hello! Welcome!

What can I say?  Im a 2009 college grad thrown into the real world (somewhat thrown).  Although I live at home, I still have my problems.  This blog will take you through the ups and downs of a soon to be 25 year olds life in a small town.  This blog is also for my reflection.

Hobbies: Photography, reading, working out, drawing, guitar, learning spanish, friends

Occupation: Unemployed :( Looking for a job in Graphic Design

Relationship status: Taken :) Long distance relationship

Weight: too much ;) I need to loose it!  I joined a gym and log my food but progress is very slow

Those are my basic stats!